Button 2!
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Last updated on Mar 31st 2024
Hi, welcome to my corner of the web! I'm really only just now learning to code, so please go easy on me :( Eventually it will be prettier, but for now just put up with my little site. I'm gonna use this to host some of my info for social media, and maybe expand this later to make shrines of my interests. Eventually this will be mobile adaptable, so be patient with me till then. Please enjoy your stay!
My name is Nero! But I also go by a bunch of other stuff all over the internet, so whatever you know me by is fine too. I use he/him pronouns exclusively, that is the one thing I am strict on. I am a guy in the sense robots and machines are kind of guys. I don't have strong feelings on the "old web" or whatever, I just wanted to make something for fun :) Born 2 be a sillyguy forced to be middle aged in spirit (according to my friends). I'm 18 this year! Please be mindful when interacting.